
Sean Song Jiang

Lead, Distributed Automation Solutions

Cisco IoT Solutions Group

Sean Song Jiang is an experienced product and solution management leader, in Cisco IoT Solutions Group, with a focus on IoT solutions for Utilities Industry and Distributed Automation.

He leads IoT solutions development to increase power grids profitability and reliability, as well as integration with Renewable Energy Resources, by integrating Cisco’s innovations on IoT hardware, software, and data services with power industry systems from partners.


Brought to you by Cisco: One secure network built for the modern utility grid

The utilities industry is under tremendous pressure to integrate new energy sources and consumption models, improve service reliability, optimize operations, and lower costs — all while reducing cybersecurity risk. That’s nearly impossible to achieve with the status quo. But with a comprehensive arc…

Innovating power utilities with a new Cisco Validated Design for Distribution Automation

Our customers in the electric utility industry are always looking for new ways to meet the ever-changing demands of today’s digital era all while reducing costs and increasing grid stability. And our Cisco engineers work countless hours to meet the changing needs of the industry to help our customer…